So far Steam Workshop has had over 55 million items downloads through its service, and considering the passion and dedication of these individuals those numbers can only go up from here. At last count, the number of user-created items for these games now ranges around 300,000 with at least 200,000 of those dedicated to Portal 2 content. With the recent addition of software to their library, GameMaker Studio has also seen a boom in content from full games to modelling tools. Since last year, Steam Workshop has added over 16 games from various publishers to it’s modding community, with many others hoping to join in on the fun. Dust your finest Ghastly Gibus, Steam Workshop is one year old! About Games Cheat How To Virginia Skill Steam Workshop: Crusader Kings III. Leyendecker or Norman Rockwell visual style thrown to them. The game has a number of cheat codes to unlock levels or enable in-game.

In one year’s time, what started off as an easier way for players to access new user-created content for Team Fortress 2 has grown to encompass more than just sweet hats and guns, with a touch of J.C. How will you celebrate? With a TF2 hat or new Portal 2 level, perhaps?