Q.how can i enchant my gear/soulweapon pass over +6 to +9 ? and what do i need ?Ī.you need " Weapon Upgrade Chip" for soulweapon and " Armor Upgrade Chip" for gear ( **WARNING** failing an enchant eats away the chip, prepare for self-rage inducing moments) /(=.=)b you have my condolance, gambateh you can do it. Q.the heck i cant enchant ? i have materials and DZ what i am missing ?Ī.you might have lesser ether right now you can gain ether by killing dungeon/distict mobs or by dismantling gears/soulweapon/gear accessory. Q.i found some collectables in dungeon/district what are those ?Ī.those are memorial/soulsequence itemsĪs you can see the third soulweapon have the highest/excellent grade witch best the others in terms of damage sadly the option is a standard all-time issue there is even an option witch render the weapon 2 out of 3 options usable(im refering the Accuracy+13 option) and the Normal unique weapon have less damage but the option is much worth fitting over the Excellent soulweapon(mostly the options are player pefered base witch means you guys decide, but hey you can still learn more on ( Soulweapon Grade/Quality) Q.how to equip brooch, im interested in gaining more options.( bugs are detected on the brooch please view section for more info)Ī.to equip brooch to a costume u will need to press U find and click on costume that you want to attach the brooch it will pop-up some option, click " manage brooch" after that Drag and Drop the brooch you want o attach to your costume.Ī.yus yu can boi Press X

look at your buddy, there will be a smile on the crosshair, click it and it will pop-up some options that you can select(please refer to the image if you still does not undertsand) Q.i want to add my friend what should i do ?Ī. i see other's have title where can i find mine?Ī.press P for personal info

Q.im new to soulworker so what should i do ?Ī.welcome and did you finish your tutorial ?